Old Update News Archive: (Back)
- 05.22.99: Got the Degree (wahoo!). Fixed the non-frames
versions to reference the individual weapon subgroups, as
those are the ones I'm updating. Have a few cool new
weapons/pics to add. Also finished a draft of Fate
Cards for Silhouette (Inspired by the list from the Blackhammer
Project). Hope to playtest
it soon, as well as put it online.
- 04.30.99: Finals season has finally hit me... Only one
last painful week to go until I graduate from WSU with my
BS in MSE! YAHOO! Oh, also added the counter. Let's see
if it works...
- 04.20.99: Draft version of Automotive Catalog online with
about a dozen (?) archetypical and specific vehicles.
Made some tweaks based on reader response. Fixed a few
other fiddly bits. Moved old update news to an archive
- 04.14.99: Equipment Catalog finished and online. Frames
version of the Compendium done. Fixed links for GM
tools/downloads, put links to said files on this (the
most active/complete) page. Also added a key to explain
the weapon stats.
- 04.07.99: Equipment Catalog's mostly done. Just gotta
make the Armor sections readable. You should be able to
d/l the general equipment portion now, however.
Additionally, have most of the frame-compatible version
of the Compendium of Weaponry done... Working on
splitting the weapons catalog into a number (~12) much
smaller pages. Should help shorten your access times
- 04.02.99: Lots o' changes coming down the pipeline. Due
to reader feedback, I'll be finishing up the Equipment
Catalog before I finish the melee weapons section.
Additionally, I'm planning on building an Automotive
Catalog as well.
- 04.20.99: Draft version of Automotive Catalog online with
about a dozen (?) archetypical and specific vehicles.
Made some tweaks based on reader response. Fixed a few
other fiddly bits. Moved old update news to an archive
- 04.14.99: Equipment Catalog finished and online. Frames
version of the Compendium done. Fixed links for GM
tools/downloads, put links to said files on this (the
most active/complete) page. Also added a key to explain
the weapon stats.
- 04.07.99: Equipment Catalog's mostly done. Just gotta
make the Armor sections readable. You should be able to
d/l the general equipment portion now, however.
Additionally, have most of the frame-compatible version
of the Compendium of Weaponry done... Working on
splitting the weapons catalog into a number (~12) much
smaller pages. Should help shorten your access times
- 04.02.99: Lots o' changes coming down the pipeline. Due
to reader feedback, I'll be finishing up the Equipment
Catalog before I finish the melee weapons section.
Additionally, I'm planning on building an Automotive
Catalog as well.
- 01.19.99: Edited and modified a few pages for
readability, began work on the melee weapons section.
- 01.18.99: Added a few new guns, minor editing touchups.
Linked up the Mechanical Designs (Fuchikoma &
- 01.05.99: Added guidelines for converting Interlock to
Silhouette. Added bunches of new guns to the Compendium.
Also linked the Fuchikoma and Thinktank Mecha pages. Not
much time left until school starts up again... Must hurry
and get more stuff done!
- 12.16.98: Finished the Silhouette Cyberware List.
- 12.13.98: Finished restoring the archive on my local HD.
Played around with format, including the snazzy new Logo,
and the background/text color swapping. Minor changes to
some text info. After Finals are done, I should have the
Cyberware conversions done, plus more goodies. ETA:
12.20.98 or sooner. Also looking for a Counter. Anyone
know of a good one?
- 12.08.98: Added CypherPunk 2041 section. Additions to
Handguns & Modifications pages of the Compendium.
Working on making a frames-formatted version of the
- 12.05.98: ARRRGH! My local hard drive which stored my
archive of this page died today. I think I can recover
most of the info, however. Cross your fingers...
- 12.03.98: Uploaded the Weapon Modifications page.
- 12.02.98: Fixed some of the links.